Privacy Policy

LAND (“we,” “our,” or “us”) values your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal data when you use our mobile booking application (“the App”).

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal information and how we will treat it. By accessing or using the App, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.


Information We Collect

1.1. Information You Provide: When you use the App, we may collect personal information you voluntarily provide, such as your name, email address, phone number, and payment details when making a booking or reservation.
1.2. Automatically Collected Information: We may automatically collect certain information about your device and usage of the App. This information may include your IP address, device type, operating system, app version, usage patterns, and other diagnostic data.
1.3. Location Information: We may collect your location information when you use certain features of the App. You can enable or disable location services through your device settings.
1.4. Cookies and Similar Technologies: The App may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance user experience, analyse trends, and gather information about how users interact with the App.


How We Use Your Information

2.1. We may use the information we collect for various purposes, including but not limited to: Providing and maintaining the App’s functionality and features. Processing bookings, reservations, and payments. Communicating with you regarding your bookings, updates, and promotions. Analysing user behaviour and trends to improve the App’s performance and user experience. Responding to your inquiries and providing customer support. Sending you administrative information, such as updates to our policies.


How We Share Your Information

3.1. We may share your personal information with third-party service providers, business partners, and affiliates to assist in providing services, processing payments, and improving the App’s functionality.
3.2. We may disclose your information when required by law or to protect our legal rights, comply with legal processes, or respond to valid government requests.
3.3. We may share aggregated and anonymized data for analytical and marketing purposes.


Data Security

4.1. We implement appropriate security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. However, please understand that no method of data transmission or storage is entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security.


Your Choices

5.1. You can manage your communication preferences, including opting out of promotional emails, by following the instructions in the App settings or by contacting us directly.
5.2. You may access, correct, update, or request the deletion of your personal information by contacting us at Please note that we may retain certain information as required by law or for legitimate business purposes.
5.3. You can disable cookies through your device or browser settings. However, please note that blocking or deleting certain cookies may affect your experience and functionality on our App.


Children’s Privacy

6.1. The App is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you believe a child has provided us with their data, please contact us, and we will take steps to delete the information.


Third-Party Links

7.1. The App may contain links to third-party websites or services. We do not control these third-party sites, and this Privacy Policy does not apply to their practices. We encourage you to review the respective privacy policies of any third-party sites you visit.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

8.1. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. The updated Privacy Policy will be posted in the App, and the “Last Updated” date will be revised accordingly. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect your privacy.


Contact Us

9.1. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or the treatment of your personal information, please contact us at